Greetings! I am

David Yarzebinski

I am a full stack engineer.

Over the last few years I have worked with companies to build great software for web, servers, and mobile applications. Currently building a mobile app to help you and your teams increase engagement and make working remotely easier at Pingboard.

About Me

Hello! My name is David and I've been a tinkerer my entire life. From taking toys apart to modding minecraft, I have always had an interest in how things work and creating things myself. Becoming a developer wasn't ever a question for me. I found Javascript and took off running with it.

These days my code is a little cleaner and I've had the chance to work with some amazing people in the contracting space as well as a car selling business, CarLotz. Recently I've been making an effort to take steps towards writing and contributing to open source projects when I have time not helping build Pingboard!

Places my code lives




Front end developer at Pingboard

May 2022 - Present

  • Help improve company culture with facilitated conversation about our values and what we as a company want to represent.

Thing's I've built (or currently building)

Ok, now what?

Reach out

While not currently looking for a new role I am always open to talk about coffee, code, a good game, music, or a new book.